5 Things We’ve Learned from the Civil Engineering CEO Show
Good advice is invaluable. And for engineers, hearing advice from leaders in their industry can provide new ways of thinking and even a boost of confidence and reassurance in their work. BigTime Software recently partnered with the Engineering Management Institute as a founding sponsor of the show, The Civil Engineering CEO show, that features interviews […]
How Engineers Can Effectively Manage Remote Teams – Ep 044
In this episode, we talk to Sonia Sorabella Swift, P.E., civil engineer, and Director of Engineering at Menard USA, with over 15 years of experience in ground improvement design, excavation support design, subsurface investigations, construction observation, and engineering analysis about how engineers can effectively manage remote teams. Engineering Quotes: Here Are Some of the Questions […]
How Outreach and Mentorship Can Lead to a More Diverse Engineering Industry – Ep 192
In this episode, I talk to Kevin Brown Jr., P.E., a construction manager at Urban Engineers, about how outreach and mentorship can lead to a more diverse industry. He also discusses some of the challenges faced when connecting with youth in communities, and provides some great advice for engineers who would be interested in serving […]
Innovation and Product Testing in Engineering – Ep 058
In this episode of The Structural Engineering Podcast, we talk to Annie Kao, PE, Vice President of Engineering at Simpson Strong-Tie about innovation and product testing in engineering and why seismic retrofitting is so important in structural engineering. Engineering Quotes: Here Are Some of the Questions We Ask Annie in This Episode: What would you […]
Dynamic Compaction: Insight From a Geotechnical Engineer – Ep 013
In this episode, we talk to Chris Woods, a geotechnical engineer with over 20 years of project-related experience throughout the continental United States, and Vice President for the Virginia-based dynamic compaction specialty contractor, Densification, Inc. about the importance of industry involvement and relationships in construction, transitioning from consultant to a contractor, and the applicability of […]
How to Support Women in Your Workplace
In the engineering industry, only 13% of professionals are women. Moreover, only 30% of women who earned a bachelor’s in engineering remain in the field for more than 20 years. Often, workplace culture, a lack of appreciation for their skills, and gender discrimination, in general, drive them away from the industry. This is a detriment to the […]
Redefining Business Development for Engineering Professionals
How do you make business development easier for you and more accepting for your clients? How do you make those type of meetings valuable to both you and your client so that each party feels their time wasn’t wasted? You do this by redefining business development.