Improving Your Seller-Doer Skills as an Engineering Professional – Ep 215

In this episode, I talk to Amanda Payne, Associate Vice President and Business Development Director at Horner & Shifrin, about the role of a seller-doer and how it has changed from before the pandemic to where we are today. She also provides some great tips on how you can improve your seller-doer skills as an […]

How to Grow a Civil Engineering Company Successfully – Ep 185

Grow a Civil Engineering Company

In this episode, the ninth episode in our Civil Engineering Entrepreneurs Series, I talk to Brian Barker, P.E., M.S., Principal at Deuel & Associates about how to start and grow a civil engineering company successfully, specifically some of the challenge you will face when you start, and how to overcome them.  Brian also talks about […]

Building Community and Your Engineering Career


I was going to start with the definition of community, but I have a feeling you already have a few examples in mind. For me, community is something that is created through multiple positive interactions with a group of individuals. Over time, bonds form and community develops, as all members are looking for the betterment […]