Civil Engineering Media & Entertainment (CEMENT) is a network of content channels that provide industry news, professional development strategies, technical trends and more related to the Civil Engineering industry and its sub-disciplines.  Subscribers include civil engineering professionals at all experience levels. CEMENT is your all-in-one solution for finding all of your civil and structural engineering news, stories, updates, and education.

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The Civil Engineering Podcast (“TCEP”) is a bi-weekly podcast published every other Wednesday morning focused on helping civil engineers with career development and to develop their seller-doer skills.

The Structural Engineering Channel podcast is a bi-weekly podcast published every other Thursday morning with a goal of helping structural engineering professionals stay up to date on technical trends in the field.

The Geotechnical Engineering Podcast (TGEP) is a bi-weekly podcast published every other Thursday morning that covers trending technical topics and guidelines associated with the world of geotechnical engineering.

Women in Engineering Podcast (WIE), is a dedicated resource for both aspiring and established women in the engineering realm. This podcast offers a wealth of information, motivation, and camaraderie.

The Engineering Project Management (“TEPM”) is a bi-weekly podcast published on every other Monday morning and features experienced PMs discussing different PM techniques to help PMs and their firms deliver more profitable projects.

The AEC Engineering and Technology Podcast (“AECTECH”) is a bi-weekly podcast published on every other Monday morning and features experts discussing different technologies to help AEC professionals and their firms save time and money.

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