Why Your Staff Craves Career Clarity
Based on surveys we have conducted with thousands of professionals in engineering, it is clear that what your employees want above all else is CLARITY and SUPPORT AROUND THEIR career growth.
The problem is that most firms just focus on providing a good salary and benefits, which in reality your staff can get anywhere these days. What they can’t find is career clarity on where they are headed. In fact, most professionals in engineering feel like they are rowing a boat in a fog. They can’t see what’s ahead in their careers, and therefore, they slow down or aren’t able to maximize their efforts, or worse, look for clarity somewhere else.
At the Engineering Management Institute, we have developed a process to help consulting firms build Career Roadmaps that clearly show their professionals the different pathways within their firms. The roadmaps might also include job descriptions or training programs that are available along their routes.
To learn more about our EMI Career Roadmap ProcessTM contact us here or call us at 800.920.4007. We’ll explain how career roadmaps can work within your firm, and return on your investment in 3 different ways. Schedule your appointment today.
If you do, your team will find the career clarity they have been yearning for and you can use your finished roadmap as a tool in your recruiting, development and retention efforts.
Failure to provide this clarity to your employees might force them to look for it elsewhere.
“If you don't know where you are going, you'll end up someplace else.” - Yogi Berra
Contact us today on the form below or call us at 800.920.4007.