Please register for any of the complimentary webinars below to ensure a successful launch into your engineering career…
Corporate SponsorsFinding and Making the Most Out of an Engineering Internship
September 19, 2022
1:30 – 2:30 pm ET
Securing an internship as an engineering student is a critical component to launching your engineering career successfully. Most engineering companies will look for internship experience when hiring graduates. In this session, we’ll cover ways to find internships at top engineering organizations and how to get the most out of those internships. The session will not only feature these strategies, but we’ll give participants the opportunity to ask professionals who work for firms that have successful internship programs.
WATCH RECORDINGLaunching Your Engineering Career Q&A Session
November 15, 2022
12:00 – 1:00 pm ET
In this session, Anthony Fasano, P.E., author of Engineer Your Own Success, will run through some keys to launching a successful career in engineering including goal setting, seeking the right credentials, and finding a mentor. There will also be ample time for a Q&A session related to career development where any and all questions may be asked.