How to Stand out when Applying for an Engineering Job – Engineering Career TV Ep. 20
Q: How can I stand out when applying for an engineering job? Welcome to Episode #20 of Engineering Career TV. The topic for this episode is How to Stand out when Applying for an Engineering Job. I will spend most of the Engineering Career TV episodes answering questions that have been submitted from engineers around the world on […]
Top 5 Things NOT To Do in a Job Interview for Engineers
1. Be unprepared…know the role you are interviewing for , basics about the company, their products (a general understanding is sufficient) and as much info about the interviewers as you can get (most of this information can be found on social media). I heard the story of a candidate interviewing with General Mills and […]
Top 5 Things To Do in An Interview to Ensure Success
Above all else, the best advice my mentor gave me when I was getting ready to interview was “Do the job in the interview”. Simply put, you should know what the job description calls…all you have to do is use examples from your experience to SHOW how you have done the job before, performed […]