How to Avoid Settling for a Mediocre Engineering Career
In our society it’s not hard to level out. But, many professional engineers get stuck and cannot avoid a mediocre engineering career. We tell you how to get out of it Everyone judges themselves by the examples of people that they’ve seen come before them. If you’ve maintained most of the same friends since high […]
Fire, Aim, Ready…Seizing the Initiative in Your Engineering Career
One hurdle that many engineers experience in their careers is taking action on the challenging professional projects that will enable them to move forward and up. I’ve had a lot of conversations with engineers who talk about their desire to earn a certification or find a new, better position. In fact, the conversations are the […]
Using Key Performance Indicators to Manage Your Engineering Career and Life
“What gets measured gets done.” ~ Unknown Management Yoda Ever heard this phrase? More than likely you have and if you haven’t, stick around in the industry long enough and you will. Although this phrase gets thrown around each time there are discussions about organizational performance, it happens for a good reason: it’s true. Management […]
5 Ways to Get Big Picture Thinking
How many times have you heard that you need to get the big picture? Or that you feel like you didn’t have the big picture? I’ve heard this phrase repeated too many times to count and each time I do the thought that runs through my mind is this: what exactly is the big picture […]
7 Attributes of an Effective Strategic Plan
When you think “effective leader” what comes to mind immediately? I attended a leadership seminar at local university recently. Within the first fifteen minutes we were given a task to go out and ask three strangers this exact question. What do you think the result was? To be an effective leader you have to be […]
Project Management and Goal Setting
Identifying actionable goals can be difficult if you don’t know what you want to achieve and if you don’t have a process in place. As engineers, we know that every successful project has a clearly defined project statement, scope, and process to deliver the intended results. The skills of project management which we’ve developed in […]