This is a guest post by Zachary White
What is the most frustrating problem you are dealing with right now?
The one that keeps you up at night.
Got it?
Now be honest. How did this happen? What caused the situation? How did this problem end up in your lap? Why are you the one who has to solve this?
95% of engineering leaders answer these questions the same way.
- “My boss is demanding an unrealistic timeline.”
- “The culture at my company is toxic. It’s a leadership problem.”
- “I have unreasonable demands from my supplier.”
- “Insert your own example…”
As a Victim
Before you scoff and scroll to another post, let’s take a quick timeout.
The fact that you are reading this blog says something about you. Growth and development matter to you. Learning how to coach your engineering team and hold them accountable is important to you.
[Read more…] about 3 Radical Responsibility Coaching Tips for Engineering Success