Be BIG, Serve People, and Achieve Your Engineering Success – Ep 125

Be BIG, Serve People, and Achieve Your Engineering Success

In this episode, Christian Knutson, PE interviews self-made millionaire Daniel Ally who discusses his concepts around engineering success and what it takes to achieve success in life.  We will also be talking about the books he is busy reading and how those books might change your life.

Engineering Success quotes:

engineering success

engineering success

engineering success

Here are the key points from the interview with Daniel Ally:

  • Know what you want and do whatever it takes to achieve it. If you find a way to serve others in a way that no one does, then a lot of people will benefit from what you offer. Ask yourself the question: “How do I add more value to more people in less time?”
  • A great person, whether they are an engineer or not, can always go the extra mile. They can always make suggestions, work on their communication and do better at what they do by becoming more resourceful, helpful and giving as much as possible.
  • Success is going where you want to go and being what you want to be with the people you want to, as long as you want to do it.
  • Impact equals income. Become the best you can and do what you believe your heart’s purpose is.
  • In order to travel the highway of engineering success, you have to be able to really take in what you have right now and also what you want in the future. Count your blessings first of all.
  • Success is about self-expression. When you focus on the person, the profit will come. Believe in your goals and your plans and search for your success as you reach your destination.
  • BIG = Books, Individuals and Goals. The books you read, the individuals you meet and the goals you set for yourself will help you to get to anywhere you want to go. When you succeed, everyone benefits. The people that you serve, the people under you and the people above you, will all start looking up to you, because they will believe in your plan and your goal.
  • Work harder on everything you can and bring value to the table, but also learn to receive the things that the world is giving you. The better you learn to receive, the more you will gain.
  • If you want something, count the cost. The world doesn’t want performance, it wants potential.
  • Without a vision, people perish and you have to have a certain goal established in your mind. Goals that scare you are goals that prepare you. Set really big goals.
  • In order to be as successful as you want to be, you have to learn to manage yourself. In order to master people, you have to service other people, but you also should set goals for yourself.
  • Engineering success is a numbers game, and if you realize what your numbers are, you need to get to what you have in your mind, then you are going to be able to do it for yourself.
  • Wisdom is knowing what you want to do and understanding is knowing why you did it.

More in this episode…

In the Take Action Today segment of the show, we give you some actionable tips on how a vision in life, can help you achieve success.

About Daniel Ally Daniel Ally

Daniel Ally has reached tens of millions of people with his inspiring words. It all started when he realized that he was living far below his potential. After years of failing at life, Daniel was fed up. One day, he went to his local library and searched endlessly for truth. After discovering the Bible, he decided to turn his life around.

Since the beginning of the decade, Daniel has given hundreds of speeches, reached tens of millions of people, and built several successful companies. Daniel has been featured on TIME, Fortune, Huffington Post, Yahoo, and other major publications.
He is the author of three books, “You Are the Boss” and “The Winner’s Lifestyle” as well as “The Ultimate Advantage”, which can be found in many countries in thousands of personal libraries.

From billionaires in Boston to amateurs in Austin, Daniel has traveled to hundreds of cities, shaking hands with friends all over the world. Whether it’s a homeless man in Moscow or an A-List celebrity in Hollywood, Daniel has struck a chord and connected with all people across the globe.

Overall, Daniel is an epitome of American success. With deep conviction and belief that all people should be wealthy, no matter where they came from, Daniel continues to spread his message about how becoming prosperous can change your life.

Indeed, you’ll find yourself laughing in tears and filling your notebooks like millions of inspired individuals have when you meet Daniel Ally.  You can find him on

The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others. – Mahatma Gandhi

Books mentioned in this session include:

Stop Goal Setting- Do the Work that Matters Most: Follow Your Theme. Simplify Your Life. Find Your Purpose (Success without Goal Setting)






You Are The Boss!






The Winner’s Lifestyle






The Ultimate Advantage






Holy Bible: Contemporary English Version






Holy Bible: PTL Parallel Edition







Resources and links mentioned in this session include:

Daniel Ally’s TEDx talk

Daniel’s Website

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How can you become a millionaire of success?

We would love to hear any questions you might have or stories you might share on achieving success.

Please leave your comments, feedback or questions in the section below.

To your success,

Anthony Fasano, PE, LEED AP
Engineering Management Institute
Author of Engineer Your Own Success

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