In this session of The Engineering Career Coach Podcast, I am going to provide you with specific steps for building your willpower and creating positive habits with my guest Leo Gura, who is a personal development expert and has over 200 videos on YouTube.
“When you control your thoughts, you control your mind. When you control your mind, you control your life. And once you’re in the state of being in total control of your life, you become the master of your destiny.” – Robin Sharma, from The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari
The Take Action Today segment of the show will help you to convince yourself to start making changes in your life to build strong willpower.
In today’s show, I interview Leo Gura of He has posted hundreds of videos on personal development topics. He struggled earlier on in his life, which led him to read hundreds of personal development books and spend over a hundred thousand dollars on personal development materials. He has taken the information from these materials, improved his behavioral patterns, and put all his results into his videos.
Listen to this session and learn:
- The definition of willpower
- The importance of willpower and why it is critical to your engineering career success and life
- Four ways to build your willpower
- What is currently destroying your ability to build willpower
Resources and links mentioned in this session include:
Engineering Management Institute weekly newsletter
Purdue Master of Engineering Management Program
Leo’s video on willpower
Leo’s video on the benefits meditation
Click Here for Session #30 Transcription
I would love to hear any questions you might have or stories you might share on building willpower and creating positive habits that will impact your life and career. Please leave your comments or questions in the section below.