Five Strategies for Creating SPACE and Separating Yourself from the Field as an Engineer
It has only been in the last few years that I have become more interested in soccer or, as I guess it is better known around the world, Fùtbol. The sport, which features the very simple objective of putting a ball into a net, is actually much more complex than it seems on the surface, […]
How to Create an Extraordinary Engineering Career – Anthony Fasano’s Complete Engineering Career Guide
JULY 2014 UPDATE: Since I wrote this post in October of 2013, the feedback from engineers has been amazing. This is a very long post that is meant to help you throughout your engineering career, so please bookmark this page. I have also created the following table of contents to make it easy for you […]
Project Management and Goal Setting
Identifying actionable goals can be difficult if you don’t know what you want to achieve and if you don’t have a process in place. As engineers, we know that every successful project has a clearly defined project statement, scope, and process to deliver the intended results. The skills of project management which we’ve developed in […]
Compass, Gear, and Pencil: Learn to Write…and Communicate
If you are trying to decide among a number of skills which one you wish to improve, improve your writing. For certain having good skills in speaking, managing a program, or negotiating a budget are important. But being able to write and communicate good will win-out every time. That’s because good writing is about more […]
Are You Managing or… Investing Your Time?
This isn’t an article about time management. If you want that, go to and buy one of the 20,985 books on the subject. This is an article about investing your time. Management implies control, focus, and organization. This is a prereq and a practice you develop from experience and….time. Don’t manage time and you’ll […]