Credentials The following is an excerpt from Chapter 2 of my soon-to-be-launched book Engineer Your Own Success: 7 Key Elements to Creating an Extraordinary Engineering Career:

Your credentials represent measurable accomplishments in your career, which include your degrees, licenses, certifications, and any awards you may have won. Credentials are essential for several reasons, but the most important thing that credentials bring you is CREDIBILITY!

Whether you are trying to secure a job with a new employer or obtain a new client for your company, the more credibility you have, the easier it will be. This seems like an obvious point, but so many professionals fail to recognize the importance of credentials, therefore they don’t pursue them, which in turn drastically impedes their career development.

Credentials will not necessarily make you a great design engineer or project manager. However, they will put you in a position to effectively display your engineering and management talents. It is not uncommon for engineers to get promoted over other engineers simply because they have their Professional Engineering (P.E.) license, when in reality the engineer that was passed over is more talented. Unfortunately, many companies work this way, but ultimately it’s your responsibility to obtain the credentials that will help you advance in your career.

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Not excelling at examinations or no time to pursue a degree are poor excuses. You are a smart, powerful individual that can do anything when you put your mind to it! You can, and will, pass any exam that you properly prepare for in advance. This chapter will provide some recommendations and strategies on how to go about obtaining credentials that will you put you in a position to succeed.

The rest of Chapter 2 will provide some recommendations and strategies on how to go about obtaining credentials that will you put you in a position to succeed.

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To your success,

Anthony Fasano, PE, LEED AP
Engineering Management Institute
Author of Engineer Your Own Success

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