Being in Charge Is Complex and Comes With High Expectations

being in charge

  To succeed, you must… Go to school… Get good grades… Love math and science… Get into STEM… Take AP classes… Love STEM… Pick a college… Go to college… Love STEM more… Get a STEM degree, preferably engineering (my opinion)… Get an internship… Get a job… Be a leader/manager… Does this list sound familiar? For […]

4 Ways to Mentor an Overconfident Employee

Confident employees have everything going for them. They are valuable assets for companies owing to their self-motivated and positive nature. They exhibit leadership qualities, aren’t afraid to take risks and tend to be extremely reliable. But what happens when that ‘confidence’ turns into arrogance? How do you deal with a cocky team member who gets onto everyone’s nerves […]

The Benefits of Building Accountability into your Engineering Career- Ep 172

The Benefits of Building Accountability into your Engineering Career

In this episode, I talk with Josh Haynam, co-founder of Interact, which is a quiz marketing tool used by more than 40,000 companies around the world. We talk about the benefits of building accountability into your engineering career. Josh gives an excellent analogy that he uses in terms of how a coach can help you […]