Don’t Fall off Mt. Stupid
This is a guest post by Jacob Valentien, PE In my previous article, I spent some time writing about the four major components for optimizing your career development. I wanted this article to focus on the Experience and Continual Learning components. Have you ever heard of the Dunning-Kruger effect? Well, don’t feel bad, most folks […]
How to Build Confidence as an Engineering Leader (Even in the Face of Not-enough-ness)
Clients often ask me how to build their confidence. I find that the best way to approach this is to first explain what NOT to do, because if you build your confidence in the wrong way, you’ll decimate it. You’ll completely obliterate your chances of reaching your career goals. So — what’s the wrong way […]
Building Confidence: Empathetic Stakeholder Engagement
Previously, I encouraged you to broadly engage your network as you explore your professional intentions, creating balance, reducing stress, and inspiring learning objectives. A positive step in a naturally closed system, relying on trusted peers. Yet, as professionals in the Architectural, Engineering and Construction (AEC) Industry, we learn early on in our careers that a […]
How Learning Can Help Engineers to Eliminate Insecurities
The prototypical engineer is analytical, logical, accurate, communicative, creative, and, most importantly, confident. However, that’s not to say that a person must be confident to become an engineer. In fact, many of the traits seemingly intrinsic in engineering students are actually acquired during the course of their educations – confidence included. Several studies have […]
How to Build Confidence as an Engineering Professional – Ep 136
In this episode, I will give you 10 very specific things you can do to build your confidence as an engineering professional. Engineering Quotes: Here are 10 ways to build confidence as an engineering professional: