Why You Need a Coach

Need a Coach

I need a coach. Anyone can trudge through a task or lesson on their own, but if I truly want to get better, I’m in need of a coach.  I’ve been an athlete all my life. I started soccer at age 6, baseball at age 8, and I lettered in both football and track in […]

TECC 210: Business Development Skills for Engineering Professionals – Ep 210

Business Development Skills for Engineering Professionals

In this episode, I am taking you with me on a road trip to the offices of Burns Engineering in downtown Philadelphia where you will listen in on a conversation between myself and Laura Hughes. Laura practiced as an engineer earlier in her career but is now the Director of Business Development at Burns Engineering, […]

Why Communication for Engineers Is so Important

    Do you remember the telephone game? In school, you and your classmates tried to pick a phrase and “pass it on” by whispering it to the person next to you. Then the phrase was passed from person to person until the last person announced the phrase. How much did the phrase change during […]

What’s An Ambivert? It’s How To Move Others Throughout Your Engineering Career

For the longest time through my engineering career I labeled myself an ‘introvert’.  You know, the typical engineer stereotype: reserved, shy, maybe a bit nerdy.  OK, maybe seriously nerdy. In any case, I just considered myself the stereotypical engineer introvert. This was despite the fact that I was leading people, talking in front of groups […]