How to Use Personal Branding to Build Your Engineering Career

Building a successful career as an engineer is essential to establishing yourself as a credible expert in your field. One of the best ways to do this is through personal branding. By creating a solid personal brand, you can make yourself visible and recognizable within your industry, which can help you stand out from the […]

The Power of a Personal Brand for Engineering Managers

Whether you realize it or not, you have a brand. This may come as a surprise to you. After all, you’re an engineering manager, and not some sort of company or a product. But it’s true. In fact, everyone has a brand. Everyone is known for something among their friends and colleagues. The real question […]

Personal Brand: What Is It and Why Is It Important?

A personal brand is the perception a person has of you. Rather than the overall perception of a company, a personal brand is specific to you as an employee of your company. The reason for the elevation of personal branding has to do with the digital capabilities of social media and the ease of building […]

Developing a Personal Brand as the Jack of All Trades

Developing a Personal Brand

At some point in your career or during your job search, you must have been asked the famous interview question, “Tell me about yourself.” If you often respond to such questions with “I’m great at solving problems” or “I’m a good leader who others can depend on in all situations,” this article will help you […]

Find Your Genius Zone: The Ultimate Personal Brand

Personal Brand

Personal branding is getting more and more attention as a piece of building our careers, yet many people ignore it or do not even know what it is. Whether you do it intentionally or not, you are putting off a personal brand — but is it the one that you want to have? Let us […]

Overcoming Resistance When Developing Your Personal Brand

personal branding

  In this article, I’d like to discuss how I stumbled onto the path of personal branding by identifying my area of expertise. By sharing this story, I hope you are able to take a few shortcuts to finding your own path to personal branding. First, why are personal branding and expertise important? Personal branding […]

How to Create a Winning Strategy for an Engineering Career of Success – Ep 145

How to Create a Winning Strategy for an Engineering Career of Success

In this episode, Chris Knutson, PE interviews Nader Mowlaee on how to create a winning strategy for an engineering career of success. They hit on why, and how, to establish your own personal brand and they also dive into core skills development and their importance to engineers, as well as the importance of building and […]