Construction Engineering – Communication in Negotiated Bid Contracts – Ep 109

Construction Engineering

In episode 109 of The Civil Engineering Podcast, I talk with Nils Gransberg, MS on topics related to Construction Engineering. Nils also tells us about the research he is conducting into negotiated bid contracts, and about his military background and experience. Engineering Quotes: Here are some of the questions I ask Nils about Construction Engineering: […]

Early Life as an Engineer and my path to Entrepreneurship

  I started my bachelor’s in civil engineering in 2001, more than 15 years ago. I wanted to become a civil engineer, design new roads, buildings, power plants, and fancy high-rise buildings. “Design” is a core concept in the civil engineering curriculum, where students learn to calculate loads, predict capacities, and optimize their precise solutions […]

Getting a PhD as an Engineer or Not- Engineering Career TV Ep. 10

Q: What is the value of a PhD in Engineering? Welcome to Episode #10 of Engineering Career TV. The topic for this episode is Getting a PhD as an Engineer or Not. I will spend most of the Engineering Career TV episodes answering questions that have been submitted from engineers around the world on how to rapidly […]