Q: Should I be transitioning to civil engineering?

Welcome to episode #28 of Engineering Career TV. The topic for this episode is transitioning to civil engineering in your career.

I spend most of the Engineering Career TV episodes answering questions that have been submitted from engineers around the world on how to rapidly advance their careers and live the lives they want to live.

You can submit questions for the show by clicking here.

Let’s jump into today’s topic: transitioning to civil engineering in your career, which is based on a question from Mark, who asks the following:

Q: I’m currently considering transitioning careers, I’m currently a transportation planner working in federal funding, and I’m interested in attending graduate school for civil engineering. My primary concern with my current career is the relative scarcity of jobs local to me that wouldn’t require a move. I would also enjoy a career where I could see the direct results of my work and work with clients rather than facilitating public involvement.  

Do you think this is a realistic transition, and do you know of other professionals who have made a similar transition? If so, what has made them successful?  

I’m 30, so I’m six years into my career but not so far that I feel the need to remain directly in urban planning because of those sunk costs. Any thoughts you have would be appreciated.  

A:  The full answer can be seen in the Engineering Career TV video above, but here are a few of the main points:

  • I think this transition into civil engineering from transportation planner makes sense, there’s no doubt about it.
  • There are a couple of things that I would ask you to consider. First of all, look at your transportation planning background, that education, plus a civil engineering graduate degree, and see what opportunities that combination will offer you.
  • Approach civil engineering firms that have transportation work and explain to them your situation.
  • A degree is a huge time and money investment, so make sure that you are doing it for a good reason and that you are going to be happy with it.

Resources mentioned in today’s Engineering Career TV:

Ask a Question
The Engineering Mastermind

I hope you found this episode of Engineering Career TV helpful.

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What questions do you have about transitioning to civil engineering in your career?

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To your success,

Anthony Fasano, PE, LEED AP
Engineering Management Institute
Author of Engineer Your Own Success




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