Anthony with Juree

Thanksgiving is a special day, and while I believe we should be thankful for what we have every day, I still like that this day really reinforces gratitude among us.

This for me was an especially gratifying year that taught me something very important.

My daughter and I wrote the first 2 books in a children’s book series, that we have created with a charitable component. We raised enough money to bring 3,500 copies of these books to children in pediatric cancer centers around the US. Overall, it has been a great family project for so many reasons, but there is one thing that I have really taken out of it that stands out.

When I visited these hospitals and met with these sick children, some of them only 2 years old, I came to realize that the most important thing that we have is our TIME here on earth.

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People often start their Thanksgiving prayers by saying they are thankful for their family members, and their home, and the great job that they have, etc.

Many people that I know that say these things, only end up getting to spend 1 hour or less with their family each day, because they work a lot of hours to pay for that house, that maybe isn’t as important as they think it is.

By being thankful for the time we have, we can strive to ensure that we use it to get the absolute most out of life, whether that is spending it with family, or traveling, or working or whatever else fulfills our mission in life.

There were a lot of children that I met in hospitals this year that would give anything for more time, and I will remember them as I set my goals for 2015.

Anthony at Albany Medical Center

What are you doing to use your time wisely?

What goals are you pursuing? Are they all strictly career-related? If so, why?

In the past, as many people are, I was also of the mindset that material things were related to success, but experiences like the Purpee the Dragon book tour among others have made me realize that “things” mean nothing, and time means everything, more importantly HOW you spend it.

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I challenge you on this Thanksgiving Day to think about what is truly important to you and how you plan to enjoy it moving forward.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

With gratitude,

Anthony Fasano, PE, LEED AP
Engineering Management Institute
Author of Engineer Your Own Success AND Purpee the Purple Dragon

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