Take Action Despite Uncertainty

“Treat mistakes as learning, not failure” ~ Dan Sullivan “Test fast, fail fast, adjust fast” ~ Tom Peters “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” ~ Thomas Edison “Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.” ~ Winston Churchill These quotes, and others like them, […]
Mentoring Matters – How to Find a Great Engineering Mentor Regardless of How Busy People Are – Ep 212

Not having the time to mentor somebody cannot be used as an excuse. If you want to succeed as an engineer or as a leader, you need to commit to helping others.
Civil Engineering Career Navigation Advice from a Young Engineering Manager – Ep 073
In episode 073 of The Civil Engineering Podcast, I talk with Shaun McGrath, P.E., CCM, a successful young division leader at a successful civil engineering company about career navigation through the early portions of your engineering career. Here are some of the questions I ask Shaun: Talk about internships and how they have helped you. […]
3 Tips for Finding the Right Mentor as an Engineer
3 Tips for Finding the Right Mentor as an Engineer Q: How can I find the right mentor as an engineer? Welcome to episode #36 of Engineering Career TV. The theme for today’s episode is: 3 Tips for finding the right mentor as an engineer. I spend almost all of the Engineering Career TV episodes answering […]