8 Tips From an Engineer Who Started a Business From Scratch

starting a business

  “That feeling of what the heck are we doing never really leaves you. You just keep at it until you figure it out and surround yourself with really smart people to help you get there.” The very first episode of our new series, Civil Engineering Entrepreneurs on The Civil Engineering Podcast, has recently published! […]

A Discussion with the Zweig Group on the Recipe for Building a Successful AE Firm – Ep 057

Building a Successful AE Firm

In episode 057 of The Civil Engineering Podcast, I talk with Mark Zweig, Founder, and Chairman of the Zweig Group and Chad Clinehens, PE, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Zweig Group about what it takes for building a successful AE Firm. If you want to grow as a Civil Engineer, or you want your company to grow, this episode will help you tremendously […]