Q: What Marketing and Business Development Strategies can I use at the company I work for?
Welcome to Episode #13 of Engineering Career TV. The topic for this episode is Marketing and Business Development Strategies for your Engineering Company.
I will spend most of the Engineering Career TV episodes answering questions that have been submitted from engineers around the world on how to rapidly advance their careers and live the lives they want to live.
You can submit questions for the show by clicking here.
Let’s jump into today’s topic, Marketing and Business Development Strategies for your Engineering Company, which is based on a question from Kyle, who asks the following:
Q: My name is Kyle and I am a civil and structural engineer. I work at an architectural and engineering firm (all in one). I recently had a development/salary review and attended that meeting very prepared. Thanks to some of your posts I decided to try and differentiate myself from the group and I presented some ideas I had for the business. The nature of our firm is that structural, as well as other engineering disciplines, rely heavily on architectural workload, and this creates an uneven amount of work with busy times and slow times. I suggested that structurally we look for a piece of the industrial market. In case you are unfamiliar, a lot of automotive factories and other factories do not have regular staffed structural engineers instead they sub them out when they need their drawings certified. My employer was very intrigued and held off on deciding what my raise would be retroactive to my annual review once decided.
Instead, he set up another meeting with me to brainstorm how we can enter into this new market. This was good news because I think I opened his eyes to a long-term vision and my own dedication to the company. The bad news is I am not in marketing or public speaking. I have no real action plan on how to market our services or even find these new perspective clients. Any thoughts in that direction would be nice.
A: The full answer can be seen in the video above, but here are a few of the main points:
- Put together a marketing plan.
- Determine what the client’s needs are.
- Write an article about the guidelines.
- Speak about the guidelines in front of associations.
- Position yourself as an expert in your firm.
I hope you found this episode of Engineering Career TV helpful.
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What questions do you have about marketing and business development strategies for your engineering company?
To your success,
Anthony Fasano, PE, LEED AP
Engineering Management Institute
Author of Engineer Your Own Success