A Framework for Quality Control for Engineering Professionals | Part 1: Gather – Ep 002
In this episode of The Engineering Quality Control podcast, I talk about a five-part framework for quality control for engineering professionals and discuss the first part of this framework, known as Gather. Here Are Some Key Points Discussed in This Episode About Quality Control for Engineering Professionals:
The Benefits and Downsides of Wage Transparency
This is a guest post by Dr. Rae Taylor I have little issue with telling people what I get paid unless they ask. I think this juxtaposition comes from the age-old question of nature vs. nurture as I was raised to never talk about money, not even to family members. That’s the nurture. But when […]
The Truth About Selling
“I hate sales!” “I could never sell anything!” I wish I had a dime—maybe a dollar—for every time I uttered phrases like that. My first business coach helped me break that thought pattern. Here is how the thinking goes: You are an engineer who excels at (fill in the blank). You happen to meet Chris, […]
Innovation and Product Testing in Engineering – Ep 058
In this episode of The Structural Engineering Podcast, we talk to Annie Kao, PE, Vice President of Engineering at Simpson Strong-Tie about innovation and product testing in engineering and why seismic retrofitting is so important in structural engineering. Engineering Quotes: Here Are Some of the Questions We Ask Annie in This Episode: What would you […]
Sustainability and the Fourth ‘R’
I learned at a young age the three Rs that are commonly related to sustainability: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. But I believe there is one more very important “R” that is missing, and that is Responsibility. Engineering is a caring profession, and specifically civil engineering stresses that we protect and advance the welfare of the public. […]
How LEDs Changed the World of Engineering (Solid State Lighting) – Ep 247
In this episode, we talk to Prof. Russell D. Dupuis, Ph.D., an electrical engineer, and professor at the Georgia Institute of Technology, and co-winner of this year’s Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering, talks about the use of LED (solid-state lighting) in engineering and how LEDs changed the world and will continue to do so. Engineering […]
Engineering a Passion for People and the Development of STEM – Ep 246
In this episode, we talk with Charles Muse, a Program Engineering Manager at General Motors in Detroit, Michigan, about his career and some of the major projects he has worked on, including his passion for people and the development of STEM. Engineering Quotes: Here Are Some of the Key Points Discussed About Engineering a Passion […]
Why You Need a Coach
I need a coach. Anyone can trudge through a task or lesson on their own, but if I truly want to get better, I’m in need of a coach. I’ve been an athlete all my life. I started soccer at age 6, baseball at age 8, and I lettered in both football and track in […]
Shaping Our Future Generations by Becoming a STEM Author
“If they don’t bring you a seat at the table, bring a folding chair.” ~ Congresswoman Shirley Chisolm There is value in encouraging children to learn more about Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM). As an engineer for 16 years, I have always enjoyed mentoring and speaking to the youth, presenting “Engineering Is Fun!” […]