Should My LinkedIn Profile and My Resume Have a Motherhood Section?

  It’s always been known that having kids can be detrimental to a woman’s career. There is more research that can be cited here that women pay a price for having a family, whether it be reduced promotional prospects or a complete loss of career. Maybe this is why I’ve always been told not to […]

What Makes You YOU?

What Makes You YOU?

What do you want to be known for as a professional? Call it personal branding if that phrase means something to you. What do you want your peers, bosses, clients, and professional associates to say about you?  How can you stand out from the crowd? What differentiates you from your professional associates?  For seven years, […]

Mastering the 4 Ways to Show Thought Leadership on LinkedIn


Imagine your ideal client, employer, or business partner has heard about you and wants to learn more. Let’s give this person a name — we’ll call her “Aisha.” She’s someone you want to impress, as she could be the key to your brighter future. So if she’s interested in learning more about you, how will […]

Four Ways To Move Your Career Ahead Through LinkedIn

This is a guest blog by Carl Friesen I have discovered a new way to generate interest and value to my engineering career thanks to sharing my knowledge through professional networks such as Linkedin, although it was not always like that… I’ve always been a behind-the-scenes kind of person, pleased to be part of an […]

Tips and Tricks on How to Leverage LinkedIn for Engineers – Ep 229

Tips and Tricks on How to Leverage LinkedIn for Engineers

In this episode, I talk to Justin Nguyen, the founder of GetChoGrindUp, a movement to help students navigate their way through college. We talk about LinkedIn for engineers, how to get started on it, and how to grow your network. Justin also shares some pretty amazing tips with us that will definitely help you to […]

5 Tips to Revamp Your LinkedIn Profile and Attract Recruiters

If every aspect of our life is marked by the involvement of social media, how can a job search be any different? The platform that has suddenly taken center stage and beaten conventional job search portals is LinkedIn. So, in this article we are going to tell you the top five ways in which you […]