Exploring Deep Foundations in Geotechnical Engineering – Ep 035
In this episode of The Geotechnical Engineering Podcast, we talk to Maurice Diong, P.E. an engineer at Skanska, USA about deep foundations in geotechnical engineering, the importance of getting out on the field, and using the most effective solutions on the field. Here Are Some of the Questions We Ask Maurice in This Episode: What […]
How to Create Your Most Productive Day in 30 Minutes
Would you believe me if I told you the only thing between you and the most productive day you’ve had is 30 minutes? Thirty minutes is all it takes to transition from feeling overwhelmed and stressed out to an engineer who has a plan to be productive and conquer their day. Keep reading to […]
Chief Engineer = Professional Engineer + Manager
Nowadays, the engineering market has become more and more demanding and competitive. It’s not enough to get your degree; you need to constantly learn and develop new skills to stand out from the other engineers and work on exciting projects.
Focus on Your Planning to Be Productive in Your Engineering Career
Most engineers I know are interested in achieving a relatively high level of productivity in their professional and work activities. Since most are working long hours, they aren’t interested in spending time on none-value added activities. Those who are successful in optimizing their productive time, do so through focusing on developing a plan of […]
Using Your Military Experience to Become a Project Management Leader – Ep 182
In this episode, I talk with Eric Wright, Ph.D., PMP, CPD about the benefits of earning the project management professional certification (PMP) for military members transitioning out of the service looking to become a project management leader. Eric gives some great tips on planning, leading, organizing, control, actions impact, and also explains the importance of […]
Analyzing Your Objectives by Applying SWOT
A great strategic planning tool used in business for analyzing an environment for a new project is the SWOT analysis: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. Business planners know that in order for a project to be successful, they need to scope the playing field to determine what resources to allocate, what challenges will be faced, […]