Tecnologías de Ensayos No Destructivos para Pavimentos

Durante y después de la construcción de carreteras, los ingenieros y técnicos confían en las tecnologías de métodos de prueba para evaluar las características, la calidad y el rendimiento de los materiales utilizados en la construcción de las diferentes capas del sistema de pavimento. Algunos de estos métodos de prueba necesitan recolectar testigos o realizar […]

3 Tips for Adapting to Uncertainty

This is a guests blog by Jese H. Vance, P.E. “If there’s one thing that’s certain in business, it’s uncertainty.” ~ Stephen Covey  The last two years have been full of uncertainty, and it does not look like that is going to improve any time soon. Times of uncertainty often require us to adapt to […]

Your Checklist To Being A Better Engineering Leader

This is a guest blog by Steven Armstrong This is a checklist of seven simple shifts that can lead to exponential gains and make you a better engineering leader. To gain the most benefit: Print it, post it, and do at least one action each day.

3 Quick Tricks to Trigger the Precious Flow State

This is a guest post by Jacob Valentien, PE  We all have moments or days where no matter how many cups of coffee are consumed, we just can’t get into a productive state. Sometimes the to-do list just continues to get longer, and you just can’t decide what needs to be done next. You have […]

Pavement Design and Accelerated Pavement Testing Research Facilities

This is a guest blog by Emil G. Bautista Traditionally, pavement engineers around the world, and mainly in the United States, design flexible and rigid pavements based on the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) method. This methodology was developed in the late 1950s in Ottawa, Illinois, under what was called then […]

The Benefits and Downsides of Wage Transparency

This is a guest post by Dr. Rae Taylor I have little issue with telling people what I get paid unless they ask. I think this juxtaposition comes from the age-old question of nature vs. nurture as I was raised to never talk about money, not even to family members. That’s the nurture. But when […]

Relationship Capital: What Is It and Why Is It Important?

This is a guests blog by Jese H. Vance, P.E. When most people think about capital for their business, they think about investors, loans, equity, etc., that is used to pay for day-to-day operations or future growth. Even though every business needs capital to thrive, I would argue that building “relationship capital” is equally as […]

Thinking Like an Owner in Your Civil Engineering Projects

This is a guest blog by Nick Heim, P.E. Our civil engineering careers revolve around project work. We or our firms tend to be solicited by a client, and perform professional services based on some end goal that the owner establishes. We run calculations, create models and drawings, and package everything up that eventually makes […]