Dread going to Work? Then Find your Superpower Today!
Q: Do you dread going to work every day?
Welcome to episode #35 of Engineering Career TV. The theme for today’s episode is: Dread going to Work? Then Find your Superpower Today!
I spend almost all of the Engineering Career TV episodes answering questions that have been submitted by engineers around the world. The questions are typically focused on professional development for engineering professionals, especially relevant to practicing engineers.
You can submit questions for the show by clicking here.
Let’s jump into today’s topic: Dread going to Work? Then Find your Superpower Today! This topic is based on a question from Tammyrae, who asks the following:
Q: After 28 years of civil engineering and project management, I am at the point where I dread going to work. I have lost interest in doing what I am doing and while it could be the massive size of the problem handed to me, which can only be minimized, not fixed, or it could be that I have simply lost faith in the firm as the talent has fled and I am stuck doing things way outside my realm, or perhaps it’s just time to hang up my CAD station and go find a new career.
A: The full answer can be seen in the Engineering Career TV video above, but here are a few of the main points:
- Figure out what your superpower is.
- Your superpower is the thing that if you were to do it during the day, you would completely lose track of time. And you could do it for 4 to 5 hours. Take a break and then go right back to it again and do it for another 5 hours.
- Maybe the answer for you is to start your own small firm now where you get to go back and do some of the things you really love to do that would be considered your superpower.
- Determine what you love to do and try to put yourself in a position to do that as often as possible.
Resources mentioned in today’s Engineering Career TV:
Ask a Question
The Engineering Mastermind
The Engineering Management Accelerator
I hope you found this episode of Engineering Career TV helpful.
Finally, to watch some of our other episodes, and get alerted to new ones, please subscribe to our show: YouTube (click here) and/or iTunes (click here).
What questions do you have about dread going to work?
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To your success,
Anthony Fasano, PE, LEED AP
Engineering Management Institute
Author of Engineer Your Own Success