The Truth About Selling

“I hate sales!” “I could never sell anything!” I wish I had a dime—maybe a dollar—for every time I uttered phrases like that.   My first business coach helped me break that thought pattern. Here is how the thinking goes:   You are an engineer who excels at (fill in the blank).  You happen to meet Chris, […]

The Three C’s to Working Through Difficult Life Events as an Engineer – Ep 245

The Three C’s to Working Through Difficult Life Events as an Engineer

In this episode, I talk to Michael Tranmer, PEng, MSc, PMP, a bestselling author, professional engineer, and TEDx speaker talks about how he worked through difficult life events and how those events led to opening some great opportunities in his engineering career. Engineering Quotes: Here Are Some of the Key Points Discussed About Working Through […]

How to Discover Your Work Style and Personal Value

work style

Engineering requires deep and focused thought. There are two primary engineering positions: the Engineer and the Engineering Manager. Each requires a unique work style. The main performance environment of the Engineer is at their desk in solitude. Engineers, the technical staff, typically require silence in order to focus on their work. The main performance environment […]

An Engineering Growth Framework for Engineers and Engineering Managers

  Without a proper career path in front of you, chances for further progress seem diluted at best. An engineering growth framework addresses such concerns expediently by providing ground rules and a wide-ranging action plan for those who wish to move ahead in their careers. The growth framework offers tremendous insights; it focuses on how […]

5 Modern Strategies to Integrate AEC Disciplines in 2020

One of the biggest challenges we face in construction is integrating all the AEC disciplines in our projects so their valuable input can positively affect the project. The key disciplines that need careful integration are the Architect, Engineer, and Contractor.  These are the organizations that design the projects and carry out their execution.  

How to Engineer Engineering Retirement – Ep 214

How to Engineer Engineering Retirement

To project manage your own financial life requires some real thought and discernment. You need to have something to retire to and not just from. Think about what your retirement will look like, from a social aspect as well as a relational aspect.

How to Start Your Own Engineering Practice

Starting your own engineering practice is a rewarding experience, giving you control over your career. While it requires adding a few more tools to your toolkit, with a bit of planning, you will be on your way to running a successful business.

How Good Writing Skills Can Benefit Your Engineering Career

The second half of the 20th century saw a significant rise of demand for qualified engineers, mostly because after the World War II there was a lot to be rebuilt but also science and technology started to develop rapidly. Large companies, often owned by people that weren’t engineers, but rich investors, needed specialists that could […]

What Prison Has Taught This Young Engineer and How it Can Help You- Ep 193

What Prison Has Taught This Young Engineer and How it Can Help You

In this episode, I talk with Jim (a false name used to keep our guest anonymous), a young engineer who had to spend some time in prison soon after he graduated college. We talk about everything he went through while in prison as well as the things he learned and how his experiences have contributed […]