How to Begin your Speech Planning and Design

A long time ago in a conference room far, far away, speakers used to give their presentations using a slide projector.  Before computers were easy to move around, the slide projector was the all-in-one machine used to put graphics on the screen during a presentation.  You may have heard of the Kodak Slide Carousel.  You […]

Raise the Bar: Closing the Education Gap for the Future Civil Engineer – Ep 072

Raise the Bar

In episode 72 of The Civil Engineering Podcast, I talk with Kelly Dooley ASCE’s Director of the Raise the Bar initiative and Brad Aldrich from Aldrich + Elliott on ASCE’s Raise the Bar initiative which is focused on closing the education gap for future civil engineers. We will also be answering some questions from the ASCE LinkedIn […]

Speech Preparation: Preparing and Not Preparing for Presentations

    I’m always excited when I get to deliver a speech, so I sent in an application to speak at a conference of operators on one of my favorite subjects.  I had spent two months with speech preparation and would be able to deliver it a couple of times for practice, between the acceptance […]

Working with Changes, Claims, and Disputes on Construction Projects – Ep 055

Construction Projects

In episode 055 of The Civil Engineering Podcast, I talk with Kevin O’Beirne, P.E. about working with changes, claims, and disputes on construction projects. O’Beirne gives some excellent tips in the this episode which will help engineers to acquire a greater success rate with regards to construction projects. Engineering Quotes Here are some of the questions asked […]