How Women in Engineering Can Grow Rapidly in Their Careers – Ep 226
In this episode, I talk to Karen Islas, P.E., a professional civil engineer and STEM advocate, about how her involvement with professional organizations, STEM, and mentorship, has helped to rapidly grow her engineering career. Engineering Quotes: Here Are Some of the Questions I Ask Karen: How has being involved with multiple professional organizations helped grow […]
Women in Engineering: One Woman’s Journey to Engineering Success – Ep 213
In this episode, and in honor of National Women in Engineering Day, I talk to Marsia Geldert-Murphey, P.E., F. ASCE, Regional Director of Lochmueller Group, who was recently elected as the ASCE President Elect for 2023. Marsia is also the author of a book called “Cross, Yield or Burn – Navigating the Bridges of Life,” […]
Focusing on People and Community Services as a Civil Engineer – Ep 133
Engineers are now in a position where they can make some big decisions for our infrastructure and drive change in our community. They need to make their voices heard and share their expertise and knowledge with the world.
Working on a World-Changing Civil Engineering Project – Ep 131
Even though there are plenty of challenges faced in the world of engineering, women in engineering can definitely be beneficial by getting involved in a world-changing civil engineering project.
Becoming a Well Rounded Civil Engineering Professional – Ep 128
In episode 128 of The Civil Engineering Podcast, which is our third episode in our Women in Civil Engineering series, I visit with Michelle Briehof, P.E. who is a project manager at Maser Consulting. Michelle talks about some of the non-technical aspects and actions you can take as a civil engineering professional to build confidence and […]
How Can Women Succeed in a Male-Dominated STEM Workforce
Women make up half of the workforce, but when it comes to the positions at the top, we have a long way to go. Women need to pick their battles when it comes to dealing with coworker and employer demands for performing gender-specific labor.
Women in Engineering – We Still Have a Long Way to Go
We have realized through our research that there is a big difference in how women in engineering versus male engineers interact with their managers. And although certain improvements have been made in recent years, the fact remains that the world is still facing a significant deficit of female talent pursuing engineering careers.
Why Civil Engineers Should Get Involved in Government Policy – Ep 102
In episode 102 of The Civil Engineering Podcast, I speak with Jennifer Sloan Ziegler, a Project Engineer focusing on water resources, specifically watershed management and coastal restoration. We discuss government policy and its importance in civil engineering, and why all civil engineers should in some way get involved in policy. Engineering Quotes: Here are some […]