Does Work-Life Balance Exist? A Myth or a Reality?

In today’s fast-paced world, maintaining a work-life balance requires creativity, passion for work, and a contemporary way of thinking. As corporate life stretches to late night hours, many successful employees have started to figure out ways to mingle their work life with their personal life, so that they are able to fulfill their commitments to both.
From Engineer to CEO and Everything In-Between – Ep 121

As a manager, you have to understand what the goals of a project are, consistently reinforce obtaining those goals, and achieve success through reinforcement of the vision of the projects, goals and successes.
How to Hire and Manage Millennials
With millennials making up a large part of the workforce, it’s fast becoming necessary for all employers to know how to manage them. Millennials who have just graduated are well aware of the growing opportunities in other countries. As a result, they are likely to consider moving abroad; one study suggests that 59% of millennials […]
Why Civil Engineering CEOs Need to Focus on People with Nick DeNichilo – Ep 089
In episode 89 of The Civil Engineering Podcast, I talk with Nicholas (Nick) DeNichilo P.E., President and CEO of Mott MacDonald North America. Our conversation focused mostly on why civil engineering CEOs need to focus on people and the effect that doing so can have on you in your career and life. Here are some […]
Getting an Engineering Job after a Hiatus – Engineering Career TV Ep. 26
Q: How can I get an engineering job after a hiatus? Welcome to Episode #26 of Engineering Career TV. The topic for this episode is getting an engineering job after a hiatus. I spend most of the Engineering Career TV episodes answering questions that have been submitted from engineers around the world on how to rapidly advance […]
How to Spark Leadership in your Engineering Career – Ep 146
In this episode, Chris Knutson, PE interviews Angie Morgan from Lead Star on how to spark leadership in your engineering career. Angie touches on the importance of credibility, character and service-based leadership and how you can use these to build a career of success as in engineering. Engineering Quotes: Here are the key points on how to […]
5 Ways to Protect Yourself from Other People’s Stress
It’s a fact for every engineer, in either an academic or professional setting, that stress will be present. Because this is the case, you can either view it as a horrific pollutant or accept it as fact and design a way to mitigate or absorb it. I suggest the later approach. Remove any negative or […]
Seven Keys to Developing Work-Life Balance in Your Engineering Career – Ep 031
In this session of The Engineering Career Coach Podcast, I discuss work-life balance, a topic that I am very passionate about. My guest is Julie Cohen, author of Your Work, Your Life …Your Way and an expert on this topic. “Thinking about work as a day job has made a big difference in the way […]
How to Identify Burnout in Your Engineering Career Before It Happens and What to Do to Get Back on Track – Ep 022
In this session of The Engineering Career Coach Podcast, I interview Stephanie Cook, an environmental engineer who now helps professionals avoid burnout in their careers by improving their diet and exercise habits. Stephanie discusses five signs that you’re headed for trouble and gives eight strategies for avoiding burnout or getting back on track if you’ve […]
Be Thankful for Your Loved Ones and Cherish Every Minute With Them
Okay, so this post is not really related to engineering career development, but it’s Thanksgiving week and I wanted to write about something more family related. Work–life balance has been a major topic of discussion in much of my work with motivated engineers. The question of how to have a successful career in engineering but […]