Ground Penetrating Radar in Civil Engineering – Ep 045

Ground Penetrating Radar in Civil Engineering

In episode 045 of The Civil Engineering Podcast, I interview Daniel P. Bigman, PhD on Ground Penetrating Radar in civil engineering also known as GPR. Daniel also answers some questions from our listeners on technical items and other issues they are facing with Ground Penetrating Radar in Civil Engineering. Here are some of the questions I […]

The Business Case for Sustainability-Related Initiatives – Ep 043

Sustainability-related Initiatives

In episode 043 of The Civil Engineering Podcast, I interview Bob Willard, a leading expert on quantifying and selling the business value of corporate sustainability strategies. Here are some of the questions I ask Bob: How would you describe sustainability in your own words? Why is sustainability an advantage for corporations? Why don’t more companies try […]

Building a Civil Engineering Firm in a Non-Traditional Way – Ep 038

TCEP 038_ Building a Business in Today's World 3

In episode 038 of The Civil Engineering Podcast, I interview A.J. Whitaker, PE, PLS who is building a civil engineering firm in a very unconventional way with remote staff. Here are some of the questions I ask A.J. : Expand on the operation side of your business and what made you go into the direction […]

The Benefits of Looking at an Infrastructure Project in 3D – Ep 035

TCEP 035_ The Benefits of Looking at an Infrastructure Project in 3D

In episode 35 of The Civil Engineering Podcast, I interview Sam Lytle of Civil FX about the benefits of looking at civil engineering projects in 3D and how doing so can benefit you as a civil engineer. In the interview we talked a lot about how a quality 3D rendering of a civil project can […]

Marketing for Civil Engineering Firms – Ep 032

TCEP 32 Marketing for Civil Engineers

In episode 32 of The Civil Engineering Podcast, I interview Alexi Lambert, who has leadership and management experience as a U.S. Naval Officer, about Marketing for Civil Engineering Firms. She was enlisted in the Navy as an E5 (2010) as a university student and commissioned as an Ensign in the U.S. Navy (2013) and promoted to Lieutenant Junior […]

How to Use LinkedIn Effectively as a Civil Engineer – Ep 031

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In episode 031 of The Civil Engineering Podcast, I interview Richard Poulin, a resume writer and marketing professional with 12 years experience, as well as extensive skills in using LinkedIn for professional networking. Quotes to think about: Here are some tips on How to Build a Complete LinkedIn® Profile:

What is BIM and how to Maximize Its Potential as a Civil Engineer – Ep 029

BIM stands for Building Information Modeling

BIM stands for Building Information Modeling.  In episode 029 of The Civil Engineering Podcast, my co-host Christian Knutson, PE interviews Ronan Collins who is an experienced Building Information Modeling Project Manager specializing in the production of detailed and accurate BIM models for the purpose of design and construction coordination. Here are some of the questions […]

Becoming a Sustainability Professional to Further Your Civil Engineering Career – Ep 028

Envision Sustainability Professional

In episode 028 of The Civil Engineering Podcast, Christion Knutson, PE interviews Denise Nelson,PE – Vice President for Public Education at the Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure and she discusses what the Envision Sustainability Professional certification is and how it compares and supplements the LEED certification. Here are some of the questions Knutson asks Nelson: What is the […]

The 5 Stages to Becoming a Seller-Doer as a Civil Engineer – Ep 027

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In episode 027 of The Civil Engineering Podcast, I interview Jim Rogers, author of Win More Work: How to Write Winning AEC Proposals. We define what a seller-doer is and also talk about the five stages on how to become a seller-doer as a civil engineer.   Here are the key points from this episode: We define […]

Business Development for Smart Civil Engineers – Ep 020


In episode 020 of The Civil Engineering Podcast, Amanda Payne, a business development and marketing expert in the engineering/architectural design services industry, shares some insights on seller-doers’ leadership expectations, tips on how to further develop your seller skills, and the importance of professional organizations to leadership development, networking, and ultimately business development. Here are some […]