Practical Advice for Better Stakeholder Communication in AEC Project Management – Ep 062

In this episode, I discuss how regular stakeholder communication is essential for preventing delays, minimizing conflicts, and ensuring project success. ***The video version of this episode can be viewed here.*** Engineering Quotes: Here Are Some Key Points Discussed in This Episode About Practical Advice for Better Stakeholder Communication in AEC Project Management:
How to Enhance Memory Recall Through Better Sleep

A few years ago, I recognized that I wasn’t sleeping enough and it was affecting my work, so I went on a sleep reading binge and researched as much as I could about the topic. There were two books that I found to be really helpful: “Sleep Smarter: 21 Essential Strategies to Sleep Your Way […]
Skyrocket Your Team With Clear Values and Career Goals – Ep 331
In this episode, I explore how clear values, meaningful work, and guiding others lead to personal and team growth. I also highlight the importance of understanding your team’s goals to build a motivated and energized workforce. ***The video version of this episode can be viewed here.*** Engineering Quotes: Here Are Some of the Key Points […]
The Monumental Compound Interest of Good (and Bad) Engineering Management
Compound interest is a powerful concept that mirrors the impact of investing in your managers. Just as compound interest builds on itself, developing your team leads to compounding growth for your firm. Invest in their skills and watch how it accelerates your company’s success over time.
The Best Strategies for Successful AEC Projects – Ep 050
Unlock the key to success in AEC projects by mastering the critical skills every project manager needs. Discover the core elements that drive results in architecture, engineering, and construction, and take your management expertise to the next level!
A Civil Engineer’s Perspective on Engineering, Entrepreneurship, and Family Life – Ep 266
In this episode, Ann Tomalavage, P.E., PMP, LEED AP, and president of Malarkey Consulting, Inc., interviews me about my civil engineer’s perspective on entrepreneurship, and how I manage it alongside my family life. ***The video version of this episode can be viewed here.*** Engineering Quotes: Here Are Some of the Questions Ann Asks Anthony: When […]
Maximizing Productivity: How Engineers Can Prioritize Tasks for Greater Impact and Success
Imagine you made a to-do list every morning, and you attacked it throughout the day. Completing one task after the next in a very productive manner. Every time you cross something off, you feel a little better about yourself and what you’ve accomplished. Does this sound familiar? It’s how a lot of people work, including […]
Strategies to Become a More Successful Engineering Leader
Most engineering professionals I speak with have goals focused around being a more successful engineering leader in their organizations. The challenge is that engineering projects, departments, and divisions are highly complex, requiring a blend of strong leadership and organizational skills. General George C. Marshall had both, and in this article, I would like to share […]
Using the 80/20 Rule to Build Learning & Development Programs That Transfer
If my three children hear me talking about the 80/20 Rule one more time at the dinner table, I may be permanently expelled from dinner. Since I learned about and started using the 80/20 Rule, a nickname for The Pareto Principle, I have been able to accomplish so much in my career and life. In […]
Innovative AEC PM Foundational Training for Modern Professionals – Ep 037
In this episode, Matthew Douglas and I talk about the intricate landscape of AEC PM foundational training and provide some actionable advice to both seasoned professionals and those embarking on their project management journey strategies. ***The video version of this episode can be viewed here.*** Engineering Quotes: Here Are Some Key Points Discussed in This […]