Why Personal Brand Messages Matter for Your Career

Having a personal brand is a differentiator for your career. Why? You are part of a dynamic and mobile work culture. Your career isn’t defined by how much time you spend “in the office.” It’s defined by your unique contributions. To demonstrate your value and engagement with the industry, your personal brand becomes highly valuable […]
Professional Networking – True Purpose, Benefits, and Myths

“Your network is your net worth” ~ Porter Gale In today’s interconnected world, your network is truly your net worth. The ability to build and maintain professional relationships can be the difference between a stagnant career and one filled with growth, opportunities, and fulfillment. Yet, for many, the concept of networking remains shrouded in misconceptions […]
Engineer Your Impact: Strategies for Community Engagement and Outreach
“Service is the rent we pay for the privilege of living on this earth.” ~ Shirley Chisholm Engineering is a field that thrives on innovation, problem-solving, and making the world a better place through technology. While engineers are known for their technical prowess, their skills and expertise can extend beyond their professional work and […]
Networking Tips for the Apprehensive Engineer
Networking can serve as a powerful tool to expand your professional portfolio. Some engineers would rather do anything but. However, networking doesn’t have to be so scary or burdensome! Do You Avoid Large-Scale Networking? I confess. As an introvert who feels overstimulated in large crowds, I dread the “typical” networking scenario of making small chit-chat […]
How to Build a Strong Engineering Network: Top 3 Strategies for Successful Networking and Client Relations
Image by katemangostar on Freepik “Networking allows you to learn from others’ experiences and gain valuable insights.” ~ Oprah Winfrey Networking and client relations are essential skills for any engineer looking to succeed in the modern workplace. Not only will these skills enable engineers to develop their professional connections and relationships, but they will also […]
Networking Inside Your Organization to Grow Your Career
Image by rawpixel.com on Freepik Image by Freepik “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go with others.” ~ African proverb Do you even think about networking in your current organization? One of the most common themes that has come up during my personal conversations with engineers and […]
There Is an Epidemic You Probably Don’t Know About
Image by gpointstudio on Freepik “The most important things in life are the connections you make with others.” ~ Tom Ford The U.S. Surgeon General recently put out an advisory that calls for attention to an urgent public health issue. The issue: Social connection and its importance for individual and community health. It’s […]
The 90-9-1 Rule for Civil Engineering Content Creators
Image from pressfoto on Freepik Civil engineers are designers and builders of everything related to infrastructure: roads, bridges, dams, ports, and many others. While our work happens in the physical world, we can greatly benefit from a presence in the digital world, particularly on social media. Today, I would like to talk about the […]
Leveraging Social Media to Boost Your Personal Engineering Brand
Image by Freepik Civil engineers bring a diverse set of viewpoints, skills, and knowledge to the table. Because of the impact our work has on society, there are many benefits to sharing our expertise outside of our day-to-day work – for our professional colleagues, our clients, and the general public. Today, I would […]
Make New Friends, but Keep the Old; One Is Silver and the Other Gold
Image from Freepik If you were, are, or knew a Girl Scout, you’ve heard this tune. It is a classic in Girl Scouts. And it fits with today’s blog. When I work with younger engineers, we invariably talk about business development and networking. And we should. Business development and networking are critical to a […]