From Civil Engineer to HR Manager: How to Make the Switch – Ep 241

Civil Engineer to HR Manager

In this episode, I talk with Matthew Alboum, P.E., a regional human resource manager at Dewberry, who made a successful career transition from civil engineer to HR manager, about how he leveraged his engineering background to excel in HR. He also discuss the importance of acknowledging individuality and leveraging strengths for a fulfilling career, and […]

Should I Go to Grad School or Apply for Civil Engineering Jobs? – Ep 161

grad school

In this episode, I answer a question that I get from civil engineering students almost daily. Should they seek full-time employment immediately after completing their undergraduate studies or go to grad school and pursue a master’s degree? And I promise you, whether you are a student, a project manager, an owner, or a CEO, you […]

Civil Engineering Resume Hacking with Resume Expert Richard Poulin – Ep 025

civil engineering resume

In episode 025 of The Civil Engineering Podcast, I interview the resume expert Richard Poulin, who has studied over hundreds of civil engineering resumes, and wrote the book Civil Engineer Resume Hacking. This episode is packed with insider tips on how you can make your civil engineering resume stand out and be successful in your […]