Lessons Learned From Our Top 10 Structural Engineering Episodes – Ep 070
In this episode, we review our Top 10 Structural Engineering Episodes since this podcast started and talk about some of the great lessons we learned from those podcast episodes. Here Are Our Top 10 Structural Engineering Episodes:
Seismic Upgrades To the Museum of Anthropology (MOA) – Ep 042
In this episode, we talk to three people who are involved in seismic upgrades to a Heritage Designated World Recognizable Work of Architecture, the Museum of Anthropology (MOA) in Canada. They are Nick Milkovich, Principal at Nick Milkovich Architects Inc. Who is also the principal architect for the upgrade, Aletha Utimati, Project Manager at The […]
Here’s Why Base Isolation is Rarely Used in the United States — It Doesn’t Sell Units – Ep 003
We have the opportunity to see what resilience is and what the structural engineering profession means, not just for a building, but for the entire community which that building serves. It is important that the engineering profession as a whole take advantage of this opportunity and promote the value that engineers provide.