Turning the “Great Resignation” Into the “Great Transformation” – Ep 272

In this episode, we talk to Sonja Price, a top career strategist, salary advisor, and leadership coach for mid-level corporate professionals, about career strategies for engineers considering a transition in their engineering careers. She also talks about how engineers can turn the “Great Resignation” into the “Great Transformation” to advance their careers. Engineering Quotes: Here […]

Should Engineers Work From Home More?

This is a guest post by Dr. Rae Taylor No, really, I’m asking. I’m on the fence on this one. I understand there are many jobs that can’t be done from home. One of them being civil engineer. I used to be a microscopist. I can’t imagine even asking for “work from home day”’ in […]

Updates to the 2020 NCSEA SE3 Survey – Ep 026

In episode 26 of The Structural Engineering Channel, we talk to Rose McClure PE, SE, LEED AP, a senior consulting engineer at Simpson Gumpertz & Heger Inc. Rose talks about SE3, an NCSEA Committee that works to improve engagement and retention of structural engineers. She provides us with the latest updates on the SE3 2020 […]

How to Stay Safe and Keep Healthy During the Coronavirus Pandemic – Ep 228

How to Stay Safe and Keep Healthy During the Coronavirus Pandemic

In this episode, I talk about how you can stay safe and keep healthy during the coronavirus pandemic by changing the way you think and doing things differently daily. During this pandemic we are indeed dealing with tough times, but if you can adapt a positive mindset, you might just find that even within these […]

Work From Home Productivity Tips for Engineers

Due to the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak, many engineering companies across the United States and beyond are implementing travel restrictions and work from home directives. I have had the opportunity to work from home, on and off, over the last ten years, and as nice as it sounds, one of the biggest challenges with doing it […]