Should Engineers Work From Home More?

This is a guest post by Dr. Rae Taylor No, really, I’m asking. I’m on the fence on this one. I understand there are many jobs that can’t be done from home. One of them being civil engineer. I used to be a microscopist. I can’t imagine even asking for “work from home day”’ in […]

How to Stay Safe and Keep Healthy During the Coronavirus Pandemic – Ep 228

How to Stay Safe and Keep Healthy During the Coronavirus Pandemic

In this episode, I talk about how you can stay safe and keep healthy during the coronavirus pandemic by changing the way you think and doing things differently daily. During this pandemic we are indeed dealing with tough times, but if you can adapt a positive mindset, you might just find that even within these […]

The Productivity Mindset for Engineers – Ep 219

The Productivity Mindset for Engineers

Before you can be productive, you’ve got to start thinking the right way.It is very hard to define productivity when you don’t have your goals lined out. When you have your goals set and you know which way you are supposed to go, everything will start falling in place.

Maker’s Versus Manager’s Schedule for Engineers – Ep 198

Maker's Versus Manager's Schedule for Engineers

In this episode, I am speaking with Chris Marshall, P.E., Regional Geotechnical Engineer at Professional Services Inc. (PSI) in Houston, Texas.  We talk about the strategies he uses when dealing with everyday distractions in his engineering career and we discuss the difference between a maker’s and manager’s schedule, and how you might utilize these different […]

Focus on Your Planning to Be Productive in Your Engineering Career

  Most engineers I know are interested in achieving a relatively high level of productivity in their professional and work activities.  Since most are working long hours, they aren’t interested in spending time on none-value added activities.  Those who are successful in optimizing their productive time, do so through focusing on developing a plan of […]

What a One-year Old can Teach Engineers about being Productive


When she was about one year old, my daughter, Charlotte, started mimicking what my wife and I did in a big way. If we did it, she wanted to do it. If I stirred my coffee, she wanted to stir her milk. If my wife went to play the piano, Charlotte wanted to play the […]