Where Passion Meets Productivity: The Intersection Between People’s Careers and the Company Objective – Ep 196
In this episode, I will be speaking to Jakob Heuser, an engineering leader, writer, speaker and entrepreneur about the intersection between people’s careers and the company objective. For this episode we will have a guest co-host named Carolette Wright. Carolette is a mechanical engineer and she has been an avid listener of our show who […]
What Engineers Should Look for When Choosing Career Mentors
If you are one of almost 2 million engineers in the United States looking for a mentor, then you have made a smart career decision. Studies show receiving mentoring from the right career mentor can make a measurable difference. So, what should you look for in career mentors? Here’s some suggestions.
Creating the Career Experience you Love as an Engineer – Engineering Career TV Ep. 14
Q: How do I create the career experience that I love as an engineer? Welcome to Episode #14 of Engineering Career TV. The topic for this episode is Creating the Career Experience you Love as an Engineer. I will spend most of the Engineering Career TV episodes answering questions that have been submitted from engineers around […]
Doing what you Love Doing in your Engineering Careers – Engineering Career TV Ep. 6
Q: What happens if your engineering company is not letting you do what love doing in your engineering careers? Welcome to Episode #6 of Engineering Career TV. The topic for this episode is Doing what you Love Doing in your Engineering Careers. I will spend most of the Engineering Career TV episodes answering questions that […]
Three Pillars That Will Help You Live the Engineering Career and Life You Love – Ep 036
Image by Lifestylememory on Freepik In this session of The Engineering Career Coach Podcast, I interview Sandra Abdalian of YourCareerEngineer.com. Sandra discusses the three pillars that you can use to create the engineering career and life you’ve always wanted. “You are essentially who you create yourself to be and all that occurs in your life is […]