Career Planning and Leadership Progression for Engineering Professionals – Ep 243

Career Planning and Leadership Progression for Engineering Professionals

In this episode, I talk to Mark A. Herschberg, M.Eng, a seasoned executive and cybersecurity expert and author of the book called: “The Career Toolkit: Essential Skills for Success That No One Taught You” about the importance of career planning, networking, communication, leadership, and management as an engineer. Engineering Quotes: Here Are Some of the […]

Engaging the Engagers: Succeeding in the New Era with Better Leadership and Management


  “Literally nothing a CEO or CHRO does will authentically, structurally, and sustainably change the value of your organization more.” This is a statement from the recently released book written by Jim Clifton, Chairman and CEO of Gallup, and Jim Harter, PhD, Chief Workplace Scientist for Gallup, based on their research and more than 30 […]

Leading With Outcomes: Keys to Advancing Your Engineering Career – Ep 033

Advancing Your Engineering Career

In this episode of The Structural Engineering Channel Podcast, we talk to Rens Hayes, Principal at H+O Structural Engineering, about strategic planning, organizational structure, leadership, management, and advancing your engineering career. Regardless of your current position and aspirations in your engineering career, if advancement is something you’d like to continue to pursue, this episode is full of big-picture […]

People Disappointment Management 101


  As I sit to write a blog about People Disappointment Management 101, I hear the song “God Is Great, Beer Is Good, and People Are Crazy” playing on the radio. At first, the song was nothing more than a typical country song about life with a country play on word humor. I heard this […]

How I Went from Tinker Bell into Disaster Recovery – Ep 113

Tinker Bell

In episode 113 of The Civil Engineering Podcast, I talk with Gina Rock who is the Program Delivery Manager at Jacobs. We talk about her career journey from the circus to Disney’s longest flying Tinker Bell (yes she was Tinker Bell) and then into the world of engineering.  What I love about this episode is […]

How Good Writing Skills Can Benefit Your Engineering Career

The second half of the 20th century saw a significant rise of demand for qualified engineers, mostly because after the World War II there was a lot to be rebuilt but also science and technology started to develop rapidly. Large companies, often owned by people that weren’t engineers, but rich investors, needed specialists that could […]

The Value IT Professionals Bring to the Engineering World – Ep 108

IT Professionals

In episode 108 of The Civil Engineering Podcast, I will be speaking with Lisa Roger, PMP who is the Chief Information Officer (CIO) at Dewberry. We talk about her work in the Information Technology (IT) Department and also discuss the importance of IT Professionals in the engineering world. Engineering Quotes: Here are some of the […]

Why Engineers Quit Managers Not Companies – Ep 192

Why Engineers Quit Managers Not Companies

In this episode, I talk with Rich Archbold, senior engineering director at Intercom. We talk about an article he wrote called: “Engineers quit managers, not companies. Don’t let that manager be you.” Engineering Quotes: Here are some of the key points discussed about why engineers quit managers and not companies: