Don’t Fall off Mt. Stupid

This is a guest post by Jacob Valentien, PE  In my previous article, I spent some time writing about the four major components for optimizing your career development. I wanted this article to focus on the Experience and Continual Learning components. Have you ever heard of the Dunning-Kruger effect? Well, don’t feel bad, most folks […]

Redefining Business Development for Engineering Professionals

How do you make business development easier for you and more accepting for your clients? How do you make those type of meetings valuable to both you and your client so that each party feels their time wasn’t wasted? You do this by redefining business development.

You Are an Expert, and It’s Time to Own It

In the world of knowledge work, expertise is everything. Gone are the days of the master builder who knew every trade and could do it all. Employers look for people with more and more experience in smaller and smaller niches. Experts are linchpins in their organizations in every industry. Needless to say, being able to […]

One Civil Engineer’s Passion for Culture and Community – Ep 082

Passion for Culture

In episode 082 of The Civil Engineering Podcast, I talk with Alexis Clark, E.I.T about her passion for culture and community in civil engineering, and several other interesting topics related to Civil Engineering. Here are some of the questions I ask Alexis: Tell us how you ended up working for Hilti and what it’s like […]

How to Improve Communication Skills and Deal with Being Labeled as Overqualified – Ep 171

How to Improve Communication Skills and Deal with Being Labeled as Overqualified

Image by katemangostar on Freepik In this episode, I answer some questions from our listeners and subscribers about building communication skills, improving public speaking, and strategies for overcoming being overqualified for a position you want. Engineering Quotes: Here is the summary of the questions and answers discussed on how to improve communication skills and deal […]

3 Tips for Finding the Right Mentor as an Engineer

3 Tips for Finding the Right Mentor as an Engineer Q: How can I find the right mentor as an engineer? Welcome to episode #36 of Engineering Career TV. The theme for today’s episode is: 3 Tips for finding the right mentor as an engineer. I spend almost all of the Engineering Career TV episodes answering […]

The Importance of Selling as an Engineer – Ep 153

The Importance of Selling as an Engineer

In this episode, I interview successful experienced engineer Ken Macumber, as part of what I have been calling our Game Changing Career Moves series and we will be talking about the importance of selling as an engineer and the things he does in his career to remain successful. Engineering Quotes: Here are the key points […]