Great Managers Communicate Differently With Different People by Doing This
Image by katemangostar on Freepik “To effectively communicate, we must realize that we are all different in the way we perceive the world and use this understanding as a guide to our communication with others.” ~ Tony Robbins I pulled the quote above because I am reading a book entitled “Principles: Life and Work” by […]
How Engineering Firms Can Prevent Client Churn
Clients are arguably the most important aspect of running a successful and healthy engineering firm. What’s even more important is retaining them. Did you know it can be anywhere from five to 25 times more expensive to gain a new customer than to retain an existing one? So, how are you preventing client churn at […]
Leaders, Help Staff Understand You
Here’s a data point that will NOT make your day if you are a leader in your firm. “Seventy-four percent of employees feel they are missing out on company information and news.” It happens all the time. Nadine, owner of a midsize professional services firm, describes her situation: “Every January, I give a state of […]
3 Essential Skills for Engineers to Become Proficient at Selling
Many engineers are incredibly smart, skilled people who can figure out how things work and fix them when they break down. A well-spoken engineer can sell their products or services like nobody’s business. It doesn’t matter if they are pitching an idea or defending the work they’ve done on behalf of their company in […]
Creating a Culture of Respect
“You can easily judge the character of others by how they treat those who can do nothing for them or to them.” ~ Malcolm Forbes If Integrity is the “foundation,” then Respect is the “walls” of a well-led organization. So, what does “Respect” mean for a leader and how does a leader create a […]
Earth Retention Systems in Geotechnical Engineering – Ep 034
In this episode, we talk to Stan Worst, P.E., the Operations Manager at Schnabel Geostructural Design & Construction about the ever-changing profession of geotechnical engineering and more specifically, earth retention systems, and how they have changed over the past twenty years. Engineering Quotes: Here Are Some of the Questions We Ask Stan: Please could you […]
The (Not-So) Secret to Successful Client Management
A consultant’s priority is to provide a service in exchange for payment. It may be advice or developing and executing a plan. In civil engineering, our industry’s charge is to build a better quality of life for all of civilization, doing so both ethically and sustainably. Each completed project brings us closer to that goal. […]
Increasing the Efficiency of Your Civil Engineering Firm’s Field Work
This is a guest blog by Nick Heim, P.E. Whether it be construction administration for a new design project or gathering information about existing conditions on a renovation project, some amount of field work is required on most civil engineering projects. From notes to photos, a large part of field work is data collection and […]
Life Cycle Engineering and How It Fits Into Integrated Product Support – Ep 249
In this episode, we talk to Lucas Marino, D.Eng., PMP, CMRP, a systems engineer and integrated logistics support manager – entrepreneur, and owner of EAST Partnership and MCS, LLC, about life cycle engineering and how it fits into integrated product support. Engineering Quotes: Here Are Some of the Key Points Discussed About Life Cycle Engineering […]
Career Planning and Leadership Progression for Engineering Professionals – Ep 243
In this episode, I talk to Mark A. Herschberg, M.Eng, a seasoned executive and cybersecurity expert and author of the book called: “The Career Toolkit: Essential Skills for Success That No One Taught You” about the importance of career planning, networking, communication, leadership, and management as an engineer. Engineering Quotes: Here Are Some of the […]