How to Grow a Civil Engineering Company Successfully – Ep 185

In this episode, the ninth episode in our Civil Engineering Entrepreneurs Series, I talk to Brian Barker, P.E., M.S., Principal at Deuel & Associates about how to start and grow a civil engineering company successfully, specifically some of the challenge you will face when you start, and how to overcome them. Brian also talks about […]
Building Your Networking Skills as a Civil Engineer- Ep 181

In the episode of The Civil Engineering Podcast, I talk about a topic that is of the utmost importance to civil engineering professionals which is relationship building. I will look at it from the perspective of someone that is not comfortable networking, whether they are shy, an “introvert”, or they’re just uncomfortable in social settings, […]
What a Geotechnical Engineer Thinks a Structural Engineer Needs to Know – Ep 049
In this episode, we talk to Jared M. Green, PE, D. GE, NOMA, who is the host of one of EMI’s other podcasts, The Geotechnical Engineering Podcast. Jared is also a Vice-President at Langan Engineering, and in this episode, he is going to tell us what he thinks a structural engineer needs to know about […]
From Single Mom to Civil Engineer: A Journey to Success – Ep 159
In this episode, I talk to Melody A. Gonzalez, E.I., a civil engineer at Black & Veatch about how she went from an immigrant single mom to civil engineer, and today is living the American dream. She also talks about work-life balance and the importance that mentors play in your civil engineering career. Engineering Quotes: […]
TWiCE 14: This Week in Civil Engineering – Robotic Driven Inspections of Critical Infrastructure
Welcome to This Week in Civil Engineering (TWiCE), the first weekly audio and video podcast covering weekly news stories and events related to civil engineering and its sub-disciplines. In this week’s episode, we provide you with the latest news in the Civil Engineering industry including covering how the inspection Robot market has the potential to […]
Meet Danny Luu MEng (Hons) CEng MICE: Co-Host of This Week in Civil Engineering (TWiCE)
The Engineering Management Institute is thrilled to announce that Danny Luu MEng (Hons) CEng MICE, a Chartered Civil Engineer from London and the founder of Civil Engineering Mentor will serve as one of the co-hosts of our new show – This Week in Civil Engineering (TWiCE). TWiCE will be a short weekly show published to […]
Meet Khamini H. Fennelly – Co-Host of This Week in Civil Engineering (TWiCE)
The Engineering Management Institute is thrilled to announce that Khamini H. Fennelly a practicing civil engineer will serve as one of the co-hosts of our new show – This Week in Civil Engineering (TWiCE). TWiCE will be a short weekly show published to provide civil engineering professionals with the most important industry updates. The first […]
How to Network Effectively as a Civil Engineer — Even as an Introvert – Ep 136
In this episode of The Civil Engineering Podcast, I am going to give you three actions that you can use to network effectively and build relationships.
Two Civil Engineering Presidents on the Steps They Took to Success – Ep 129
Most people think that the president of the company has the most glamorous title, but it is a lot of responsibility to run a business. Business owners are in it for the long run and they need to keep their ultimate goal in sight at all times.
Becoming a Well Rounded Civil Engineering Professional – Ep 128
In episode 128 of The Civil Engineering Podcast, which is our third episode in our Women in Civil Engineering series, I visit with Michelle Briehof, P.E. who is a project manager at Maser Consulting. Michelle talks about some of the non-technical aspects and actions you can take as a civil engineering professional to build confidence and […]